10-10-10 Elijah Prophecy
only enter in through the eyes of God

by Dedric Hubbard
Nov 16, 2010

 God understands that many have idols they worship and as such many believe the words of idols over the word of God. It is this frame of mind that God has to speak with his remnant differently. Everyone is not aware of the major changes God is making so many unlearned in the spirit are judgmental of what they are a part of and yet I release this revelation not of insecurity but security in that which he spoke unto me he says speak unto his people. There are many claiming they are Elijah prophets and yet have no power and/or authority of that which they claim. It is then God spoke of events concerning next year. When God releases prophecy of this nature through Elijah’s spirit it speaks of balance. In the spirit the church and the world are one and the same and as a result God’s arms of judgment holds each in balance for there are three things God states he is watching and yet one of these three he will ignore and the three are:

Church and The World – God states he is removing the earthly works of the flesh out of his church.

Church and The Bride – God states out of the church he will bring forth his Bride.

Church and God’s Foundation – God states that any church that does not recognize his Eph. 2:20 foundation in the coming years is considered unclean.

It is with this carefully-written manuscript revelation that as God’s glory falls many will have to read in the spirit to detect and/or receive hidden revelations that are of note to the Bride and God’s remnant. For instance, there is a balanced message in which God’s Foundation in place will bring forth The Bride for The Church and The World to see. The message is simple, in order to see the Bride you must come out of yourself and religious church. Just a simple unction of the Holy Spirit will allow the chosen of God to see that which will be hidden from religion’s eyes for along with this first release of the spirit many will be endowed with a Paul-type anointing in which a mere written letter will breathe life into individuals. This will speak to the apostolic authority which will go along with being a manifesting son of God. 2011 will be the year in which God speaks mightily through his Elijah prophets. In 10-10-10 prophecy God takes the greater year and speaks into the lesser bringing life into his people as well as redeeming time unto himself. He also takes Holy Spirit chosen scripture in which he allows his prophets to speak into that year in which once they fulfill themselves he redeems his words back unto himself as well. Meaning the scripture becomes the property of God as he fulfills dots and tittles as he prepares to come back.

It is with this mindset that God instructed me that he will combine the years 2011-2012 and will speak two years in one, for it will be Judgmental Grace for Governmental Disorder. The prophetic highpoint for 2011 is that God will speak 2012 which represents authority into 2011 to expose the disorder. God states he will use the Government system of the world which is in order to judge the church system, leaders, and business which is out of order. God states he will cause the government to expose all of the lavish lending of these so-called mega-churches as well as these self-named independent ministries which have the sheep manipulated in a false worship of God. Be prepared as many of your idols and religious shows to become targets for government raids and undercover operations in which they are using God’s house as their own personal Swiss bank account. This will not be the work of satan but of God, punishing these leaders for not having God’s foundation. The major targets will be those who have called themselves Bishops and have established themselves as the principal authority over the church, possessing a position that is to be occupied by an Apostle. Bishops are and should be no more than the overseers of the church business in which they monitor the work of the deacons. Case in point, that is why most bishops are over mega-churches for it’s the anointing that God gave them to handle money that allows them to draw people. This move by God is leveraged for his Elijah prophet’s. The only way a person will come out of this judgment is when they allow God’s Elijah prophet to format the church through the eyes of God and not the eyes of men. This move by God has the capability to completely shut down ministries and close their doors for months and indefinitely. It is next year in which some Elijah prophet’s will be released into ministry and will draw the wayward sheep by the power of God. Judgmental grace for governmental disorder is God giving you a choice to build his way or fall into the hands of the oppressor. Many pastors, bishops, ministries will lose everything, all because of one scripture Eph. 2:20.

God states that he is not concerned about the affairs of the world but of his church and his Bride in that he doesn’t release words to the world but to his church and his bride. There will be only 10 scriptures God will release monthly with prophecies attached to them and they will all be fulfilled in that year for this is a year when he will watch over his word to perform it by releasing his words to perform:

Romans 5:10

Gal. 5:10

1st Thess. 5:10

Eph. 5:10

James 5:10

Pro. 5:10

Ecc. 5:10

Neh. 5:10

Esther 5:10

Psalms 5:10

Starting in December these 10 scriptures will be the judge and the jury for those in spiritual leadership. The balance of 3 - 10 prophecy is that two will happen back-to-back as a sign that God has released his judgment upon these individuals and once an Elijah prophet releases the words they are in judgment. Whoever it may be your prayers to God will go unanswered for they are being judged by the iniquity of their sins and for making an open mockery of the work of Jesus, God will make an open mockery out of their work on earth. You then are to refrain from anything that is connected to whoever it may be until either God releases a word of restoration for that individual or he acknowledges his transgression openly and with true repentance. So what is the prophetic word for those sheep that are waiting on the bride to arise: Beware!!

Bishops Will be judged in this season.

Escape There is no escape from real repentance in this season.

WorshipThere will be real worshiping. No real worship, no presence of God. Period

Authority – No show of power in spiritual authority past a prophecy, no authority.

Religion – Is a demon, either get out all the way or pay all the way!!

Entrusted – Elijah is entrusted with building the Bride. You either build or burn!!

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