Tithing Principals in the Bridal Structure

by Dedric Hubbard
July 9, 2010

On the way back from the battle in the spirit with Leviathan, I was summoned by Melchizedek to renew his tithing principals. In order that Christ's Bride will be fully supported, people must understand the Melchizedek is the person nature of all three Godhead and when you learn each one individually as a person, you will know when they speak with you in a person or in the spirit. Therefore, I was summoned in the spirit to get the meaning and language right for those who are getting ready to start an end-time ministry. He states that the tithe is represented in the nature of that person as God relates to him and he is represented in the five foundational gifts. He states that it should be upon every person getting a revelation of they are in God as a person, their spiritual gift, and their ability to give, meaning the person and their gift is up to God and what they give is up to the individual. He states therefore the dominant gifts in the house give in 3's and those who are learning give in 2's because they haven't come to the full knowledge of God example 5x3=15 and 5x2=10 meaning if you know without a shadow of a doubt you are one of the five gifts you have a full knowledge of who and what you possess in God and are traveling releasing the gifts bestowed on you, your ability to give is greater than those learning. This means you are bringing spoils from the war back into your bridal house. If a person is unable to pay his tithes in honor he offers his gift or talent to the bride, meaning he may be a gardener in talent and in working around the bridal house I speak and he learns his gift is that of a counselor etc. In that we pay the laborer and he gives it back and it increases until he comes into the full knowledge of who he is. He states he might give a person an idea or business venture and he takes it to the Apostle/Prophet of finances. If God releases them they support the idea and if it succeeds (and it usually does when God speaks it) the individual, upon making increase, has a talk with God and they discuss the tithing of that business and he starts to tithe on his increase of an idea giving to him but God.

God states that a person's ability to contribute with money should not hinder his hands on anything pertaining to the things of his house and many have been denied in time past, for all the heathens think of is money. And those who have counted these things against my people will never be allowed to walk in a priestly anointing until they repent to those whom they have wronged for they all listen to man and no one sought my face for a true and definite answer to a principal I established with Abram. For they sought the spirit of who I was and never sought the person and many have been led astray so therefore my son, their gifts are as a tree strong in root and tall in stature, but yet they are not grounded in me for they never ask the spirit to show them the person of God who established the tithe to set Abram free. So they stayed in the spirit and bound my people by forcing them to pay on a principal they started in my house. All that a person has to offer is available for in heaven everyone eats from the table of meat. Therefore son, blow the wind and to everyone who has done this, tell them that they are cursed in the field, valley, and the house for their mouth has cursed them with a curse because they did not have the tithing conversation with me. Melchizedek the high priest the establisher of the gifts sent by Jesus the Christ in me, Selah.

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