by Dedric Hubbard
Feb 16, 2012

We are about to enter into a month of action in which God has made his will know to those whom he has called to lead the Church into a kingdom position of readiness, preparedness, and of course war but yet many of the leaders of this past dispensation are refusing, blackballing, and disqualifying the prophets of this dispensation. Because these prophets will not bow down to nor will they attempt to become a part of someone's covering, spiritual fathering brothel, and their traditions of men they operate in. As instructed I take a break from my mostly wayward way of attacking, criticizing, and having fun at the expense of the religious mind and now introduce the antidote to avoid being a part of the pulpit deaths that are and will take place. Therefore, we seek the majority of this revelation in the patterned deaths of individuals and as prophesied at the beginning of the year, God will kill and/or call people home in patterns in ways that when he leaves a message only those who are called to operate will understand. No deaths will be alike, this is to ward of the imposters who have and are trying to portray and counterfeit the anointing of how some of us release revelations. We will look at the four major deaths in this season:

Etta James - Dementia & Hepatitis C (Age 73) Hepatitis C causes a swelling of the liver. The liver is basically a filter to paraphrase its function. Dementia is a loss of brain functions. In this death we notice 2 major failures, the ability to filter out waste by a vital organ that is damaged and the ability to think because the brain is damaged therefore God's message in this death is:

For they have damaged my sheep beyond repair. They can not think for themselves son and the Lord God has become a snare to the elite of the Gospel for they will not let my Elijah prophets speak so they can reproduce the power they have in me. I am releasing a universal (70) sound only those equipped will be able to speak for I release the agreement (3) of the power of one. Only one person needs to speak and then my will be done. These 2 diseases are internal in which God says the internal order of the church is damaged, all because of one man in place. Therefore, the pulpit will be the coffin where all judgment will take place. Preach and prophesy at your own death sakes but be sure your heart is pure in God and not in the land.

Don - Suicide (age 75) We see Don as a creator and host of a tv show but his mind was tainted and suicide became his creation because he didn't understand change so the message in Don's death is simple and plain:

For they have created glamor and lights in the midst of the church using my pulpit they slander my Elijah prophets name, they rape my sheep for power and prestige. Therefore, I the Lord God am not pleased. I will cause the minds of these leaders of the past to go blank. All that I don’t destroy at the pulpit I will do at their banks. No more will they use my gospel as a cash cow and charge as they will. The admission into this dispensation is brokenness and freedom and blood-money will not enter into my new household of faith. Howl and moan, you have dealt wrongly with the Lord and now I will leave them reprobate, lonely, and with a crushed heart. For I am releasing a universal (70) grace (5) upon my people to preach. You will know them because you will see me. 

Bishop dead behind pulpit (age 62) We see the bishop died but many don’t know this act was prophesied by the prophets of this dispensation. The sheep come to a frame of mind “he died doing what he loved,” but to the Elijah prophets he was judged. So the Bishop's death was unbelievable and dramatic no matter how tragic it seemed. What was the Bishop's death? Glad you asked because it will always be seen: 

Yes son he preached, he fed, he delivered, he saved. Get away from me you evildoer, I never knew you from day 1 when you took your reward on Earth and you got a street named after you, leading people to a man. The Earth is mine and the fullness thereof, so you died in a spirit of pride (60). How dare you separate (2) myself by looking at your name on my signs. Everything is mine and everything humans make. Never steal my Glory or will I will take you into Glory and his death was no mistake. He did real good so what did I have against him? The pride of the life, all because of a street. Now where is he going? He already has his reward, his death is a lesson dont drive down man's boulevard. 

Houston died in water and drugs (48). She talked about meeting Jesus for a whole week, getting revelations of my son who could deliver her while she sleeps. Whitney represents the bondage (40) of the church which needs a new birth (8) and God is releasing people who don't believe in church hurt. Her death is simple, needs no explanation and yet we all need to know.

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