Inside The Enemy's Camp (Part 2)
Strategies, Structures, Tips, Instructions, Techniques

by Dedric Hubbard
July 31, 2010

Well time has settled. To go inside any demonic territory you must first know their strategies as to how they keep you in bondage. The devil keeps you in bondage in two places: your body and your mind. I can't speak for everyone but if you want to be all God called you to be and then some to follow me requires 3 things. First, in this experience never open the bible unless in my writing I give you a particular scripture or God tells you to. The next is to forget everything a person has taught you or is teaching or what you have read in the bible. The third thing is whatever he reveals to you about you don't deny it, accept it. I am not blind spiritually nor dead and being in the enemy's camp he knows my spirit and understands I know all the tricks so I know the tricks; the question and lesson is for you to figure out who is who. The first thing you have to throw out in the trash is that the devil can't read your mind as religion has taught you. The first thing I learned is the devil reads the mind of your spirit and once you engage him in conversation he has you. Eve was quiet, the devil spoke first. She answered and the rest is history. Once I got the revelation for myself that the devil does speak to and read my mind I had to develop a plan to catch him. But first something had to die now religion teaches to crucify the flesh, but how is this done with no instruction? You ask the maker. But how do I approach a Holy God with my filthy self? The odds are against you. The devil has 10 levels on earth and 1 in heaven and I am in the middle trying to reach a holy God with a sinful body so I am sandwich in the middle. The odds are 10 to 1 in the devil's favor. If I break free of his grasp on earth I have 1 shot to reach God and then how do I know it's God?

This means I am positioned 10-0-1, me being the none. I have no odds, no relationship with God, and no one to teach me. So what do I do? There is a phrase they say “everybody likes the underdog” and I hear it on the street. So the spirit comes up with a plan that you think is on your own, but it's that gentle spirit of somebody trying to show a better way. So we gives ourselves an edge an become the underdog, “well God I don't know what you sound like, what you look like, how to pray, and something don't sit right in that church I attend. So I want you to talk to me, and if you want to talk to me I am going over to this girl’s house to spend the night and if it's you I want you to do this.” So the odds are now a little better 10-4-1, I involved myself, God, and a supernatural act that only we know, and that built a foundation. Because that act took faith in something you don't know anything about but want to know about somebody called God.

Now it's your turn. Think about where you are at? Where do you want to be? What is holding you back? Are the odds against you? Are you really hearing the voice of God? You can't crucify the flesh without crucifying the spirit so God has to deal with all of your spirits in one quick move. Doubt is the reason you struggle with sin, gifts, callings, anointings, and hearing the voice of God. God's anointing on my life carries no doubt. I don't care if I hurt your feelings or wound your soul, it all works for the good. And why you ask? Whenever you doubt God you have now released the devil to have his way in your life. Now you are in his hell, your hell and God's hell. So this is how he works. He has to let you hear God's voice because the king is calling, but you don't know God's voice so you doubt God even when you ask for a sign. And thus God can't help you until you know who you are and you have to hear his voice for instructions. So you have moved from living in hell and graduated to the last level of the devil’s kingdom which is bondage hell. The worst part of a Christian’s walk is to want God and he's calling you but you are not sure of him or his voice. So now are you really free in God or are you bondage to man? Are you operating in what called you to be or are you on the pew? Could you move faster in the things of God if the right people were there? Are you learning common sense issues that are taught as gospel? Are you getting right now revelation or 3 week lectures?

Now we get to the good part. The church gifts are supposed to be used as a foundation, meaning when you are confident in who you are and what you are called to be you use that foundation of faith to establish a point where that person can rest and use their faith to find who they are. Meaning I could be selfish and keep my revelations to myself and charge the 100 dollars a head like most people, but yet leave with a good feeling and you would be no closer to God then you have ever been, just with worked up flesh. So now I become the mat, footstool, and the enemy to those who stand before the people and preach a gospel that doesn't concern you nor get you to God. So we start at level 10, the darkest part of hell. At this level is some of your gifts, confidence, anointings, callings, relationships, and connections. So I in the spirit rest all of God's gifts, callings, anointings, wisdom, spiritual insight, and my treasured spiritual sight and hearing on this level. Your job is to look for you according to how the devil looks for you. Everything he tells you that you aren't, write it down and number them accordingly. All your friends, places, and if your church’s name or pastor comes up write it down. Every no-good thing he calls you or tells you about you tell him you receive it all. Don't worry about if he's coming, he will. He comes when you are by yourself. This is a strategy I used and I called it “all or nothing.” You take all the devil has to offer and say to you because this is where he keeps all the goodies. When you write them down, meditate on them. My watch is from 3am to 6am, this is God's peak time for talking to Elijah prophets if they are in the flow of God.

From 3 to 4 he will speak to you about your surroundings, people in your life, and the gifts that he has placed in your life.

From 4 to 5 he speaks about your shortcomings, his plans for your life, and your destiny in him.

From 5 to 6 he tells you what you have to control or turn loose, where you need to be at a certain time, how far you are behind in your anointing, and then he tells you your plans for that day.

You then reflect all day on what he told you from 3 to 6. Now if anytime he says something you don't understand, want insight, or want to see in the spirit, and/or revelation of what he is saying. You use my foundation as a prophet and it's color-coded and fool-proof so if he says “not yet” ask when and when he gives you a date and time write it down. But if not, just say “God, Dedric said that if I ask for clarity you would show or tell me.” If you see what you see you see it, no matter how weird it look write it down. If he says sentences or one words write it down; if he says “ask Dedric” ask me. If you've never been behind the throne the angels won't recognize your spirit even though they will see it, because we are all one in God. What you are doing is taking what the devil put in your spirit and bringing it before God. In the spirit you will be getting cleansed, because you will be traveling on my foundation with my spirit as a guide. If you try to make what God tells you or what you see into your own interpretation you have moved too far to the left or right. What you are getting is a free pass to God and asking him questions without interference so it has to be between 3am and 6am. Good Luck

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