Getting In God's Order

by Rodney Hogue
Teresa Seputis

Authors: Rodney Hogue & Teresa Seputis
Editors: Teresa Seputis & Bob Hawley
Transcriber: Nichole Marshall

1. God's Primary Purpose for the Church: Worship and Evangelism
2. God's Primary Purpose for the Church: Relationship, Maturity And Service
3. New or Renewed?
4. Moving With God in What He Is Doing
5. Understanding Authority and Order
6. God's Model of Authority In His Church
7. Things That Oppose God's Order
8. Provision For God's Calling
9. Giving Appropriately
10. Why All of This Applies to Intercession
11. God's Order and Enemy Strategies
12. Praying In Accordance With God's Order
13. More on Praying In Accordance With God's Order

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