Elijah Body Armour Available

Limited to the Remnant
Activated by Faith
Inspected by Elijah

by Dedric Hubbard
July 26, 2010

Well, I had a brief encounter with God and seen the most powerful body armour suit known in heaven. As I wondered what it was made of, God pulled out the pattern of the man-of-flesh suit for Jesus and made one for the Holy Spirit. It has the feet of Jeremiah for when the remnant and bride see the glory they will not fall in worship but in repentance. It has the thighs of Jacob for he will stand with the government of heaven's generation as a model for heaven's inhabitants. It has the loins of Jacob to recover everything that belongs to his generation. It has the chest of Ezekiel to revive anything he speaks to that has been dead. It has the arms of Jesus to gather all that has been lost. It has the mind of God to call you by name. And it has the ears, eyes, heart, and mouth of what powers it in the inside: pure Holy Ghost fire. God calls it Heaven Fire manufactured, distributed, and made exclusively for Elijah Prophet's; shipped express mail when on a 40-day spiritual fast with heaven's seal of approval on it. This suit permits the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to accept the flesh without burning it till the day of the rapture. No need for mercy and grace when a person speaks ill of a vessel wearing one of these in stealth mode. I pray that we all be ready when Jesus comes.

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