The Purpose of the Moon

by Joel Ramshaw (2025)

Deuteronomy 33:14 “And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and the precious things put forth by the moon”


The importance of the sun is obvious, but what is the purpose of the moon on the other hand? It sits there looking mysterious with its ominous haunting “face” formed by the major craters. Imagine the terror of the ancients as this pale face in the sky appeared to watch them throughout the night.

Christ taught the eye is the lamp of the body. The sun and moon are like two eyes which are the gateways that light enters our world through. Just as the human eye must “blink” briefly every so often, this is the eclipse, ie the two eyes of the universe giving a “blink.” Christ taught that his return will be “in the twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:52) and the Bible also says the sun will be darkened at Christ’s return. This could hint that this momentous event may occur during some kind of eclipse.

The moon is related to water spiritually. Water reflects light as in a lake, rather than generating its own light as fire does. This is just as the moon reflects light rather than making its own. This power over water is also shown in the tides, which are mostly caused by the moon’s gravitational pull on the ocean water. The water of the moon is an opposite balancing force for the fire of the sun.

The moon signifies humility, whereas the sun is pride. When the sun is out all the treasures of the stars disappear and the stars cannot be used for navigating. This is like how being full of pride blinds us to the beauty God is wanting to reveal to us and through us. The humility of the moon does not make a giant show of it's own glory but conceals it, allowing the beauty and wisdom of the stars to appear. The moon also reflects light, just as we are to reflect Christ's light, not like the sun which seeks to show its own glory, the position reserved for God alone.

Each month used to begin with the new moon, hence “mon”-th, Because our months are out of sync with nature now it makes us forget the moon’s importance. We add leap years to keep our days in sync with the sun, but have let the months decouple from their luminary. The Israelites had a ceremony where they would blow silver trumpets at each new moon (silver is the moon's special metal, as gold is the sun's).

The moon is the first step from earth, the gateway to the rest of the heavens. The moon’s orbit creates a ring around earth that must be breached to access the rest of the heavens. The moon was likewise the first step for human space exploration before humanity can go to further places like Mars.

tree of lifeIn the Hebrew mysticism known as Kabbalah, in the famous tree of life diagram, the moon corresponds to Yesod which means “foundation” in English and is the sole pathway upwards from Malkuth (Earth) before the tree branches out to the rest of the sephiroth. It creates a chokepoint that must be crossed first before trying to access the rest of the heavenly tree (there is an alternative diagram with three paths out of Malkuth instead of one but this is a bastardization of the original and wrecks the meaning, confusing everything. That one immediately did not sit right with my spirit). Remember the moon is spiritual water. The first step after accepting Christ is water baptism. Likewise in the Old Testament, the priests must wash in the brazen sea before entering the tabernacle. The white of the moon symbolizes the purity from being cleansed in water spiritually from the filth of the earth. The moon represents this gate of water that must be passed through before proceeding deeper on the spiritual path. Hebrews 8:5 states that the true tabernacle is in the heavens and the earthly one was just a copy and shadow for us to learn from.

Imagination and dreams are the lowest level of prophetic activity, and as dreaming happens in the night this sphere is under the moon's influence. Moonlight allows you to see somewhat but blurred, just like the dream state. In the Bible, God usually speaks to non-spiritual individuals with dreams since they are not used to hearing God's voice directly. Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar are examples. God also gave dreams to the Egyptian butler and baker also (ordinary persons, not particularity spiritual). Imagination is the lowest level of prophetic activity. Although what is gleaned from it does not carry authority, imagination can bring about fresh perspectives and get the mind used to working with imagery which is important in the prophetic. Many of today's technologies started out as mere imagination before they came to pass as structured forms in our world. The prophetic always brings change and the unexpected. Exercise in imagination helps prepare the mind for prophetic activity.

Revelation 12:1-2, Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”


In this verse the moon is yet again seen as a foundation, “at her feet,” just as Yesod in Kaballah. But how does something so unstable as the moon act as any foundation? Evidently it signifies having conquered the constant shifting back and forth between light and darkness the moon represents. The moon’s path may be earth’s ceiling but to the rest of the heavens it is more like the floor. Now with the moon at her feet it is always bright and full and no longer shifting to darkness, as our faith at this level must stay strong having passed the trial and conqured the internal wavering and instability a weak faith brings.

In Christian symbolism, the moon represents the light of the church in this dark world, trying to reflect as much of Christ (the Sun) as we can. The Sun on the other hand, signifies Christ’s kingdom when he has taken over and the light obliterates the darkness rather than merely coexisting with it. This is the millennial kingdom spoken of in Revelation.

The dark side of the moon

In the Apocrypha book Sirach 43:8, the moon is called an “instrument of the armies above,” showing that the moon is not simply some gentle influence only but is also used for death and judgment.

Enoch 41:8 “the path of the moon is light to the righteous but darkness to sinners.”

In Biblical times the moon was considered to carry a negative power which could afflict the mind. The word “lunatic” means someone who has been driven insane by the moon’s (Luna) negative power.

Psalms 121:6 “the sun shall not smite you by day nor the moon by night”


In that Psalm, David is recognizing Gods’ protection not only against the heatstroke the sun could bring, but also protection against the dangerous influences and harms the moon brings at night.

Religions and ideologies which cause mass deaths tend to feature lunar symbolism prominently. The crescent moon is found on Islamic flags and is also part of the symbol of communism, the sickle in its flag. Two of the most violent ideologies which have caused the deaths of millions. In Acts 2:20 the moon is prophesied to “turn to blood” in the end times. Yet another association between the moon and death and bloodshed. In Acts 19:34 the Greeks worshiped Diana their moon goddess, which was a lucrative business for the local silversmiths (as silver is the metal that is connected spiritually to the moon, thus used in its idols and pagan worship). The Greeks went in a frenzy for two hours, madly shouting “great is Diana of the Ephesians” when the apostles challenged her. Moon worship always brings about violent characteristics in its followers. Carthage also worshiped a moon goddess Tanit, and their flag had a double crescent moon. They often sacrificed their own children to please the gods and their entire civilization was destroyed as a divine punishment.

Matthew 17:15 “Have mercy on my son for he is a lunatic”


Modern translations in their anti-spiritual bias change the original word lunatic to something like epilepsy. The original Greek word is “LUNAtic” however, and the passage indicates Christ delivering a man whose mind was taken over by lunar demonic forces exerting their power to afflict him.

Christ’s disciples were unable to break the power of this lunar spirit off the man. Demons operating in the heavens are known as “principalities and powers” and are more powerful than the normal demons on earth. Christ was able to cast it out however, and taught them that this kind could only be cast out by “prayer and fasting,” as it says later in the chapter.

Death angels and the Moon and Saturn “Partnership”

We have the popular culture idea of a “death angel” who takes a person’s life when their time is up. Although the Grim Reaper may be fictional, there is truth behind the fiction and the “sickle” is very real and is indeed the instrument used by the death angels. This is part of the meaning behind the sickle shape of the crescent moon as well. I will share my own experience and past visions I have had on this subject. There are two main classes of death angels based on the Saturn and the moon respectively. The chiefs operate from Saturn. Angels of Saturn are higher-ranking because it is the planet connected to the throne of God the Father and thus where he acts through the most. Out of the members of the Trinity, God the Father has the highest authority and the spiritual nature and activities of this planet are somewhat a reflection of him.

Although we are used to seeing it’s beautiful pictures close-up, Saturn is the dimmest planet when only viewed with the naked eye. This brings about it’s association with darkness to the ancients. They assigned it rulership over the darkest months of the year, the winter months, as far as possible from the sun’s heat and light.

Saturn Hexagon StormInterestingly there is a geometric hexagon storm in the clouds at the very top of Saturn. You may not believe the clouds can form a hexagon-shaped storm but if you research to confirm what I am saying you will find the images from reputable sources.

The hexagon is important because it is found at the center of the hexagram (aka “Star of David”), the second most important spiritual symbol after the cross. The hexagram contains 7 lights (one in the center) and is another form of the Menorah candlestick which was placed in the temple in Jerusalem. It represents the seven-fold Spirit of God described in Isaiah 11:2 as well as being a map of the covenant binding the solar system together with the sun as the center light and classical planets on its outside. Saturn’s hexagonal storm therefore, is a unique reminder of this planet’s connection to covenant and to God’s throne.

Vision of Saturn and death angels

Now the past visions I had on this topic were as follows:

On Saturn spiritually it is like a desert with ancient ruins of stonework like Greek and Roman ruins. There is a permanent moonlight everywhere on this planet as if it is always dusk/night, but a full moon night. There is an amphitheater like a balcony or stadium stands where they can watch events taking place on earth and elsewhere. There are dull golden clouds at foot level which wisp by continuously as you walk. Like a desert has sand wisping by, but these are dull golden clouds. The angels there have a somewhat guilty Mona-Lisa like smile as if they are all keeping a secret. The stonework ruins are in clusters scattered in various random places where the angelic forces do their work from. It is very much like a desert and abandoned.

Each day these angels are given a sheet with 40 names on it, which comes in a chute from God the Father’s Throne where he writes his daily instructions directing the activities to these angels. God does not give his reason for choosing these names, neither do the angels ask it. Once the angel picks up the sheet he must choose 13 out of the 40 names on the list to slay. The other 27 not chosen are allowed to go completely free, until a future day when their name may appear again which could be the same year or not for many decades (this is symbolized by the 27 books in the New Testament).

So you can see that for these deaths, the biblical principle of requiring two witnesses to put a man to death is still followed, even by the angels. God chooses 40 names and then the angel selects 13 of them for death and thus both God and the angel share the burden of the decision to take a life.

Deuteronomy 17:6 “On the testimony of two or three witnesses a man shall be put to death, but he shall not be executed on the testimony of a lone witness.”.


On Saturn there are a limited number of “seats” of power on the planet. Some are occupied by holy angels and others by fallen angels. Each seat has authority to make a decision that affects earth when it's turn comes up and this is given at certain intervals to whoever possesses the seat.

The lower class of death angel are found on the Moon. These hold the scythes and actually carry out the killings in accordance with the decision of the chief and his list. This is why the moon appears as a sickle in shape. Their job is to “harvest” souls. These follow the orders given by the higher-ranking angels of Saturn. They carry out the action but do not participate in the decision making. The moon functions as an arm of Saturn basically. The angels view through the moon, using it as a searchlight while searching for souls on the list. Similar to how prison guards use the spotlight to try to find any escapees.


A key to understand the Saturn-Moon spiritual connection is the Moon is the fastest of the relevant celestials, taking approximately 29.5 days to cycle from one new moon to the next new moon. Saturn on the other hand is the slowest classical planet, having an orbit of 29.5 years. But notice the number 29.5 appeared for both celestials, a day for a year; this is the first link. Saturn and the moon are both related to governing the darkness.

The moon is a battleground between light and darkness, sun and shadow, a middle ground between both influences. Very dark when compared to the sun, sitting in the darkness of night and yet we cannot say it belongs to the darkness as it is still a source of light. The sun’s dominion is seen in the light side of the moon and as it becomes full, while its return to darkness in the new moon shows Saturn’s domination, as well as controlling the dark side that is never visible from earth.

The moon is not just a decoration in the sky! The moon is a powerful spiritual influence and gateway both for the positive and negative.

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