Nero’s Agenda

by Joel Ramshaw (2024)

Nero’s Agenda

Nero artist picture

Nero was a Roman emperor who became so evil that he is often considered the first manifestation of the antichrist referred to in the book of Revelation. The name “Nero Caesar” adds up to 666 when the letters are transliterated to Hebrew and their values are added. This was the first Roman emperor to seriously persecute the early Christians and he is recorded as having overseen the deaths of apostles Peter and Paul.

Although his early rule was not so notable, Nero quickly went downhill after planning his mother’s death. He first plotted his mother Agrippina’s murder by planning a shipwreck of her vessel. The captain had instructions to purposefully capsize the vessel once far enough from shore. This plan did not quite work out as Nero’s mother knew how to swim and was able to reach shore. For plan B, Nero had his men booby trap his mother’s cabin with lead weights in the ceiling over her bed. Even this did not kill her however. When the ceiling broke as she slept, the high sides of her bed blocked the debris from crushing her. With the failure of these two clumsy assassination attempts, Nero opted for the simple route the third time and had his men poison his mother. This failed also because she was already suspicious by now of being poisoned and had been taking antidotes in advance to the commonly used poisons. Finally on the fourth try, Nero sent a professional assassin to stab his mother and make her death look like a suicide. This attempt finally succeeded. Nero’s mind would never recover from this evil however, and his reign turned excessively diabolical not long after.

As if killing his mother was not heartless enough, Nero next murdered his pregnant wife Poppaea, by kicking her stomach continuously until she died as well as her unborn child. His wife had simply commented that she wanted him to spend more time with her instead of at the races. Nero quickly regretted killing his wife, honoring her at her funeral. He was still very attached and wished he could find a way to get her back. Nero had his servants search all over Rome for one with a similar face and appearance as his dead wife who Nero could make roleplay as her replacement.

The world’s first gay marriage

You may be surprised to learn that it was the emperor Nero who invented gay marriage; Previously in the world there had been gay relationships and escapades but none of these relationships were ever considered marriages. Nero’s servants finally found the one whose face looked almost the same as his dead wife. This person was a male however. Nero had this male youth castrated and then forced him to wear women’s clothing, the same a Roman empress would normally wear. (Since this was almost two thousand years ago they did not have the medical technology to create a “trans” person, so this was the closest Nero could get to it). A full marriage ceremony between Nero and Sporus was performed including bridal veil and dowry. Afterwards Sporus would always appear with Nero as his official wife. His name Sporus means “seed” or “semen” and was likely a cruel nickname he was given due to Nero’s abuse and not his birth name. From the humiliation Sporus would eventually commit suicide. By taking a male as his official wife, Nero set a precident for something that had never been done before in history and opened the gate to a great evil.

Nero opened the gateway to perversion that would continue in subsequent emperors and be carried further. A later emperor, Elagabalus, would go all the way in becoming trans himself. He demanded of those around him “call me not Lord, for I am a Lady.” He also offered a stupendous sum of money to any alchemist, surgeon, or sorcerer who could give him a vagina. A history museum in the UK uses female pronouns in its exhibits of this emperor.

Nero’s Great Fire

Fire of Rome

In 64AD, Rome had a disastrous fire which destroyed 70% of the city. What is of interest his how the fire began and who was responsible for it. Nero took great pride in his supposed artistic talent. His last words on his deathbed would be “oh what an artist dies with me.” He believed Rome was an ugly city which was aesthetically inferior to the Greek cities. He wanted to see Rome rebuilt in the more elaborate Greek style. Nero also had a grand plan to build a palace known as the Golden House. He wanted it to cover 1.2 million square meters in the heart of Rome. His new palace would occupy a complete one-third of the city of Rome. We now know the reason the emperor was recorded as being delighted to see Rome burn. The fire provided “free” demolition of the Roman housing districts that were in the place he wished to build his palace. Roman historians record Nero as singing and playing the lyre as Rome burned, not exactly grieving for the displaced masses.

Seeing Nero’s joy at Rome’s destruction, he naturally became quite unpopular with the masses and rumors were going around that he had even commissioned arsonists to light the blaze. There were some very unusual things in the fire. Firefighters were being harassed and having their efforts blocked by groups of men who claimed they were “under orders” to do this. Arsonists were also seen continuing to light more fires while the city was already burning. When caught, they would give the same reply that they were “under orders” to do this. Each group refused to name the one who had issued these orders however.

All the signs pointed to Nero as having issued orders to burn his city. Nero needed a scapegoat now to blame for having caused the fire. Perhaps this would take the suspicion off of him. Nero tried various publicity stunts in hopes of creating an image of being a good compassionate person. He allowed some homeless persons to shelter in his private gardens and reduced the corn price. Most Romans were not falling for these cheap tricks and Nero then thought of another plan. The Roman Empire always had a cold relationship with Christians. Having killed Christ, the Romans naturally suspected Christians would not be very appreciative to them. Nero told the Romans that he had discovered the ones responsible for the fire. It was the Christians who were resentful at the empire for killing Christ. The fire was the Christians getting their revenge against Rome for killing their leader, Nero said. Nero made great public spectacles of killing Christians, setting Christians on fire while still alive to use as human torches for his nighttime entertainment at the Circus Maximus. The Romans were full of anger and grief over the fire and by blaming Christians, Nero was able to take the public anger off of himself as the true villain and redirect it.

Baphomet, the abomination

Eliphas Levi summoning a demon

We have looked at Nero’s role in spreading abomination. Now let us expose the spirit behind the trans deception. This demon is known as Baphomet. This spirit was discovered in the 1800’s when as sorcerer known as “Eliphas Levi” was attempting to discover the true source of his power. This man originated the concept of “white” vs “black” magic and the idea that there was a neutral force in the universe that you could harness for good or for evil. This man invented the inverted pentagram with the goat head and spread the idea that an upward pointing pentagram was a positive symbol and that it was only a gateway to darkness when upside down.

When meditating to discover the “neutral” force empowering his rituals, Eliphas began seeing and drawing visions that revealed the true nature of the abomination he served. A demonic being that was part human and part goat. Part male and part female. All of the normal boundaries were blurred. This is the opposite of God’s creation where God divided the light from the darkness and separated humanity into male and female and gave mankind domination over animals. Despite the grotesque and obviously demonic nature of Baphomet, Eliphas continued to seek its power and refused to acknowledge it as an evil being.


Baphomet is the spirit behind the trans movement. A desire to blend and confuse male and female. To rewrite the laws of creation. To tell God that he did not know what he was doing when he created the laws and boundaries this world is founded upon.

“Pan” is another name for this spirit, who the Greeks worshiped, depicted as part goat and human (oftentimes a demon will be worshiped as a god by several cultures but just with different names in each one). Pan had the same reputation for perversion and blurring fundamental sexual boundaries, including participating in interspecies sex.

Biblically he is called Azazel. In the book of Enoch chapters 6 to 13 Azazel is discovered teaching human women makeup and to dress and act seductively. The angels are then aroused and sexually tempted by these women, sleeping with them and bearing hybrid offspring that are only half-human. Azazel is this same half-human half-goat demon as Pan and Baphomet. This story is briefly alluded to in Genesis 6 although without anywhere near the level of detail Enoch gives. In Leviticus, God commands the Israelites to lay their hands on a goat to transfer sin to it. They then send this goat to carry to the sin “to Azazel” in the wilderness (Leviticus 16).

When gays wanted to marry, we as Christians protested and said it will lead to worse depravities. Lucifer’s liberals mocked us, saying nothing further would happen. Of course they did not want to shock society so quickly. The masses are manipulated by degrees. In the 1960’s the world was fine with liberalising promiscuity but still considered homosexuality deviant. Later they accepted homosexual relationships but not marriages. Satan thinks long term and knows how the world will conform to anything as long as it is brought it slowly and not a sudden shock to people’s sensibilities. Homosexual marriage was never the end goal, but it is an intermediate step, opening the gateway to abomination. Now we have to deal with trans “rights” being demanded as normalized. We can only guess what kind of depravity will come next. These people are already demanding free sex-change surgery for minors and children, who do not even have the maturity to understand the weight of this permanent decision.

One thing you have to understand is that these people will never stop. Appeasement simply does not work in this case. The more you give them the more demanding they will get for new depravities. As western countries accept immigration from nations where polygamy is popular, expect polygamy to be demanded and given without much hesitation. Interspecies relationships may seem impossible, but so did normalizing gay marriage and trans not long ago. Expect punishments to greatly decrease for pedophilia as the courts will begin saying the person’s brain chemistry makes them naturally susceptible to this attraction and not deserving of punishment or imprisonment.

There has been a constant uprooting of biblical values across the world for the past 70 years. This is not something that simply stops on its own. Often it takes great catastrophe to bring repentance and return to morals. Nero led his nation on a path of perversion and his city was burned to a crisp shortly thereafter. We should not expect to go on casually without consequence on this current path.

Supporting any politician pushing these agendas makes you are partaker of their evil deeds. It is better to abstain then to say they are the lesser evil. In Daniel 7:8 the antichrist is called the “little horn,” that means he will seem like the devil with the shortest horns and many will support him for this reason, overlooking and excusing his evil.

Romans 1:26-29, For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;”


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