Jesus Prays For Me Again

by Teresa Seputis (March 25, 2006)

A long time ago I shared a testimony of how I was at a meeting and various ministry team members were moving through the room praying for people, but no one came to pray for me. I did not want to be left out, so I asked Jesus to come lay hands on me and pray for me. I did not really expert Him to answer that prayer, but to my surprise, He did! It was an incredible experience to have Him come so close to me in such a tangible way. I was undone by His goodness as He manifest Himself to me and laid His hand on me. I think I would have been totally satisfied if He never said a word.

I was not sure what I expected Him to pray for, but what He prayed for me was absolutely the most perfect prayer I could imagine. He said, "That she might do Your will, Oh Father!"

I have treasured that experience for a very long time. I don't think that I really expected to have another one like it.

Last Saturday night I finally got to visit a church service that I'd been trying to get to for a long time. (Saturday night is a difficult night for me, as that night is sort of set apart for my husband.) But that night he was at a bridge tournament and I was free. So I went to the service. Their worship was extended and it was quite wonderful. I was really enjoying it.

A few of the people there who knew each other were laying hands on each other and praying for each other. It was what I call "renewal style" prayer, where they just ask God to saturate the person's senses and reveal more of Himself to them. This lady prayed for the man just a little in front of me. As she prayed, the Lord began to touch him powerfully and he started to have some physical manifestations. It reminded me of the type of experiences I used to have years ago when I went up to Toronto for renewal meetings. I think of them as the "good old days" and sometimes I really miss those times. I really wanted someone to pray for me and I wanted the Lord to touch me like He used to do at the renewal meetings.

I kind of hoped that this lady (or someone else) would pray for me. But no one did. I was a first time visitor and most of the people there did not know me. So, of course, no one laid hands on me. After A while, I began to tell the Lord about it. "Lord, remember the good old times we used to have together in Toronto? I really miss those."

He did not say anything to me about that, so I focused my attention back on worship. After a little while, this memory began to come back to me, the memory of how Jesus had come and personally prayed for me that time. Oh, that was a sweet memory! I began to think about that again, practically reliving it. I thought about how wonderful Jesus' prayer for me had been, since I really do want to be doing His will. Then I remembered how after He had prayed, He had leaned over and said, "What do you think, Teresa? Do you think the Father will answer My prayer for you?"

I had told Him, "I hope so!" And He told me, "I know He will, or I would not have prayed it for you. I am going to empower you to discern and do the Father's will."

I stood there worshipping with this huge smile on My face as I remembered that earlier experience. It was not the type of renewal prayer I was hoping for, but it was sweet. Them I began to think about it...if Jesus had prayed for me before, maybe He would come and do it again. So I asked Him to.

I think I expected that He would pray the same prayer again, but I was not sure what to expect. I was not even sure if He would come pray personally for me again. I closed my eyes and worshipped some more, but at the same time I expectantly hoped for a personal encounter with Jesus. After a few minutes, someone laid their hand gently on the upper part of my chest. I felt this wonderful warmth where I was being touched. At first I wondered if it was really the Lord or if it was someone from the church praying for me. So I opened my eyes. No one was there.

A thrill went through me! I realized this was the start of a supernatural encounter with God, and that made me very happy. A gentle warmth was oozing through my whole body, and it felt so good that I could hardly remain standing. Even though there was not a catcher, I started to fall over backwards. But this arm caught my back and steadied me. The sweetness of the Lord was all over me and I was aware of His nearness. Again I opened my eyes. I could still feel the touch on my chest and back, but I could not see anyone.

"Lord," I asked silently, "Is this really You or is it an angel?"

"Teresa, if I sent an angel to minister to you, then the angel would be on My behalf, and it would still be Me ministering to you through that angel. It would be Me either way."

I took that to mean that God was ministering to me through an angel instead of directly. I did not speak that out loud, I merely thought it. But God heard my thoughts.

"No, this is not an angel, it really is Me, directly."

I could not see Him, but I could feel His touch and I could sense His nearness. Then He did something that surprised me. He blew gently on my forehead. As His breath touched me, this sweetness began to tingle through every fiber of My being. I am absolutely convinced that I would not have been able to remain standing if He had not been holding my back with His other hand. It was so wonderful to be so close to Him. His nearness was saturating me and consuming me. All I wanted to do was to be lost in Him.

Then Jesus said, "Teresa, do you still want Me to pray for you?"

"Oh yes, Lord!" I remembered how He said that the Father always answers His prayers, so I knew that whatever He prayed over me was going to happen to me. I felt this eager anticipation and really looked forward to having Jesus pray for me. Part of me still expected Him to pray the same thing He had prayed last time, and that would have been fine with me. But instead He prayed something different.

He said, "That she might be filled with a greater measure of My anointing!"

Again, every fiber of my being resonated with that prayer. It was so perfect for me. I am leaving for another missions trip to Asia in two weeks and I have been asking God to anoint me for that trip. Part of it will be teaching believers in Hong Kong how to pray for the sick, and part of it will be teaching believers in Singapore how to hear His voice more clearly. I had been asking Him to especially anoint the Hong Kong conference where people learn how to pray for the sick. That is why I was so thrilled with His prayer for me.

This was just a little private encounter that I had with God during worship. I suspect He was met many people in the room in deeply personal ways at the same time that He met me, because His presence was very thick in the room. I don't think anyone else had any clue of what God was doing with me, but it sure was a wonderful experience for me.

I love the way that God meets us in such deep and personal ways!

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