Clearing The Spectrum

Chris Anderson

Despite the increasing cultural darkness in America and elsewhere, it’s important to remember God has not abandoned His purposes for us in preparing the way toward His final return. Tonight, I want to share with you some brief but powerful truths we need to keep before us so we can maintain our course amid the darkness.

If you will remember, the Promised Land was given to Israel at the time of its darkest pollution. The Lord told Abraham He would wait until the sins of Canaan had reached their fullest measure before He would give the land to his descendants. This means that when Israel crossed Jordan to actually take the land, the land was at its height of iniquity. Before the land could be occupied, it had to first be cleared of its wicked inhabitants. God gave thorough instructions about this. Nobody and nothing was to be spared. So when Israel went in to take over, you can be sure they had to encounter the evidences of the most reprehensible evils (such as child sacrifice). It was not pleasant. Taking over the promised land was a very distasteful job.

Today, a similar clearing is taking place by the spiritual Israel of God, but it is not a physical clearing—not yet. It is a spiritual clearing. It is a clearing of the “airwaves” between heaven and earth inhabited by the “prince of the power of the air.” These airwaves control the world system and are responsible for its increasing darkness. What we must see in the increase of the darkness is the nearness of its clearing away, a clearing that begins first in the airwaves before the physical that is to manifest afterward.

A few years ago in the United States, the government body responsible for allocating frequencies for broadcasting on the airwaves (the FCC) determined to increase the room in the “frequency spectrum” for cell phone companies. This area of spectrum was already occupied by government and other licensed communication technologies. The cell phone companies bid on and won the rights to various portions of this spectrum. But before they could take it over, the airwaves had to be cleared of all these other communications. This was called spectrum clearing.

A similar “spectrum clearing” is underway in the heavens and is related to the increasing cultural darkness. Even as the darkness grows, many of us are finding ourselves unavoidably forced by the Spirit into engaging areas of life traditionally occupied and controlled by the world system. I’m talking about all walks of life, but in particular the financial, legal and government industries. We’re finding ourselves forced out of ministry and out of traditional “worker bee” jobs to take on financial and legal entities we’ve never had to face before—from starting businesses to dealing with courts over foreclosures and lawsuits to dealing with town, state and federal agencies over issues directly impacting us. These areas of life are strange to us, they are uncomfortable, and they are very dirty.

Yet it is the Lord who is driving us into them. But since they are so foreign to us, we only have one way to deal with them. We have to pray. We have to “intercede our way through” these strange filthy encounters, wondering how we ever got into them. But there is a reason. It is because the Lord has determined it is time to “clear the spectrum.” Where the powers of darkness have reigned, God has said “World iniquity has come to its fullness, and I am preparing My People to clear the airwaves so I may return and take over.”

Again, don’t mistake me. The kind of clearing I’m talking about is not our taking over the world system just yet. But it is a precursor to it. This intercessory clearing is a “preparatory clearing” of the spirit realm over these systems that is creating a channel for the Lord’s return. This clearing is cutting an invisible spiritual corridor between earth and the third heaven in fulfillment of the command, “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord.” This “highway” is a literal albeit spiritual channel way to the upper heavens.

Once this highway is cleared it will serve as the corridor for the ascension of the first translated people of Rev. 12 who will be “caught up” to the throne through it. It could even be called the “throne-way.” Once ascended, this glorified people will as “angels” with Michael execute the final clearing of heaven’s airwaves that sends Satan and his minions to earth! This will create the greatest darkness earth has ever seen. But, it will also create the most open heaven God’s people have ever experienced on earth (explaining why the time of final darkness will also be the time of greatest spiritual power released). So when we talk about wanting an “open heaven,” this is what we are really talking about. It is the clearing the heavenly spectrum of Satan himself.

Once the heavens are fully cleared, the Lord will complete His return and His actual take over of the Land (starting with the literal Promised Land) will begin. But for now, all we need to see is the relationship between the increasing cultural darkness and our being thrown into the midst of its systems “on a wing and a prayer.” Don’t be afraid of these new areas with their darkness and filthiness. Realize the take over of the land at His coming is close behind. Start doing your part in clearing the air over these areas through intercession. God will establish your way in the business, or with the courts, or with the government, or with whatever foreign area you are now dealing with, but requires your clearing of the air. He will keep you clean from the dirt and will cause you to prevail. Realize the importance of the calling you have received as a spectrum clearer.

“Can you hear me now?”

Chris Anderson

First Love Ministry

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