6000 Year Old Curses Being Broken

Eva Marsee
April 26, 2009

I would love to write you everything the Lord spoke last night that lead up to the vision He showed me but maybe I can do that later. I want to get it all right and in order.

I have to send you the vision I had though because it was so clear and so powerful and I know that it is going to manifest very soon.

We had been talking about how the Lord was going to change us and give us a new history, His history, because we are born of God and our ancestors are now His ancestors (Abraham's blood washed descendants). We are not born of this world anymore or born of man but born of God and we are descendants of Abraham and we have been grafted into the fig tree of Israel. So our roots and ancestors are Gods ancestors now. We can not look back on our past anymore or even remember the bad things of our past because God removed all the bad and so how can we have any generational curses from our ancestors because their are no curses in Gods ancestors. Our DNA has been changed to Gods DNA.

If any man be in Christ He is a new creation, old things (things of our past) have pasted away (been destroyed) behold ALL things (things of our past) have been made new.

We have a NEW History.

I had a vision as the glory came over us all and I saw the portal in Heaven above us open up and there was a large invisible somewhat square shaped object and in my spirit I knew that it was thunder. It was thunder that was about to be released. I told everyone I did not know what it was for. Then Suh started to speak up and she said that it was being released to break generational curses. So we all started praying and rebuking curses and breaking them off of different countries and peoples and then the livestock and then plants and then I felt a powerful word to break curses off of the earth or ground. Later the Lord showed me that the curse on the ground that Adam had to work the ground to bring forth food was a poverty curse and that it was now broken.

All at once I had a very clear vision that was so amazing and I know that I know that there will be evidence of this vision all over the world and very soon.

I saw a large area of fire, knowing it was God. In front of this fire was a line of men all facing the same direction, standing in line about five feet apart one in front of the other. The man that was the first in line with his back to the fire was known to be Adam. All at once a stream of fire about a foot wide came out of the fire of God and shot straight through Adams back out through his belly and then on to the next man in line. The men were standing quietly with their head relaxed and looking down with their arms and hands hanging down on their sides then when the fire hit them in the back they would throw their arms and hands into the sky and the force of the fire would nearly push them down. It was as though life was coming into them. This fire was going on down from one man to another. The Lord spoke to me and said that His power was being released to break all the generational curses from one generation to another. He said that He had reserved a fine thread of DNA to run through. This fire was not a ball of fire but a stream that stayed connected to God. I knew that the curse destroying anointing was going down through 6000 years of generations and it would not stop till it got to our generation. I also knew that with each person that was hit with this anointing in our ancestors that we in this generation would experience a change in our mind sets to being changed into Gods mind set or Gods nature and personality. I hope as I have described this vision that you will be able to see it as clearly as I was shown it. The fire is on its way and when it gets to our generation we will all be changed. No more earthly nature.

A few weeks ago the Lord had told me that He was about to release an anointing that would break 6000 year old curses. This is it.

As the meeting went on the vision would appear to me again and I would see the fire continuing down through the generations and then I heard large choirs singing joyfully the HalleluYah chorus - and He shall reign forever and e e ver and He shall reign forever and e e ever. King of kings. forever and ever. and Lord of lords.......

Behold He comes

Eva Marsee

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