Three Levels Of Unbelief

by Bill Somers

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. 1 Cor 10:11. (KJV) I see this verse quoted by some of my favorite writers. It is usually as sign that the writer has some scriptural insight.

One factor that strikes me as important is the way it deals with three levels of unbelief.

First take the verse out of context and generalize it to apply to the entire bible. [It really is OK to do this.]

Then we see that is says [paraphrasing] that the things written in the bible
A. actually happened.
B. Happened as examples for us to learn from. and
C. the examples have special meaning or depth for those of us living in the end times.
Daniel says after all that the books are sealed till the time of the end.

So the levels of unbelief are:
1. Not believing that the things in the bible actually happened
2. Not believing that these things have any relevance or lessons for us
3. Not seeing or seeking to apply these things to the end time context.
Those at level 1 are 'liberals'
Those at level 2 are 'historicists'
Those at level 3 are 'literalists'
Those who get past these levels are 'prophetic'.

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