A Christmas Prophecy

Bill Somers

Revised 12/06/98
This article is a look at the first coming of Jesus as described and Matthew and Luke, also Isaiah. We need to see how it is a type or prophecy of his Second Coming. That is to say things that happened at his first coming are foreshadows of what will happen at his second coming. Let me make it clear that most of these points refer to Jesus coming spiritually to his Church in the form of a great outpouring leading to a great harvest. This takes place during and after a time of judgment on the Church. In other words the first coming of Jesus speaks of End Time Revival coming to the Church.
You may want to go over the passages in Matthew and Luke and Isaiah since we did not include them, to keep this article short. As you do, think of the coming of Jesus as the coming of Revival.
The Christmas Story is a Prophecy!

1. His first coming was foretold by the prophets. His Second Coming is also being foretold by the prophets.
2. Wise men knew when and where to look for him then, Wise men will know when and where to look today.
3. In the fulness of time God sent forth his son. This applies to both the first and second comings. He will come at the appointed time.
4. He was born in a manger. Consider that a manger can mean a crib, or it can mean a stall. A stall can be a booth, as the children of Israel dwelt in booths during the Feast of Tabernacles. A booth is a temporary dwelling like a tent which is another word for tabernacle. But the tabernacle also speaks of God's dwelling place, also his temple or his Church. When he comes again, he will be born into His Church.
5. His coming was with tidings of great comfort and joy. Luke 2:10. This speaks of the comfort and Joy in the Holy Ghost that the church will have in the last days outpouring of the Spirit of God. These will be times of great judgments but those who abide in the Shadow of the Almighty will have a peace that passes all understanding.
6. He was born of a virgin. Matthew 1:23 The Church will be purged and purified in order to show forth his love. The Bride has played the harlot, but she will have to get back her virginity. So that she can become pregnant before the wedding.
7. Shepherds in the field were drawn to him. His Glory blazed about as angels visited them. Luke 2:7-8. This speaks of God's true shepherds, not the hirelings, being drawn into his presence. And coming manifestations of the Shekinah Glory on the Church. Plus angelic visitations and other supernatural happenings.
8. As Joseph was troubled by his wife's pregnancy, the Church world will be troubled by the revival that's coming. Yet the word of the Lord in this case is just as it was with Joseph. Fear not, this is of the Holy Ghost! Just as Mary was pregnant before her wedding, the church will have to be pregnant with Jesus before her wedding.
9. Unto us a child is born. This reference from Isaiah 9:6 takes a new meaning once you see that "US"  is the end time Church. Us. And we are symbolized by the woman in Revelation 12 who brings forth a manchild. This is Christ being formed in us and shown forth by us.
10. "She shall bring forth a son [unto us a son is given] who shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21. The coming of the manchild is also the coming of the great end time harvest.
11. "Thou shalt call his name Emmanuel, that is God with us." When Jesus comes to dwell in His Church, he will truly be God with us.
12. Wise men came to Jerusalem from the east. Matthew 2:1. When revival and harvest come there will be many conversions in eastern countries, especially the middle east. Muslims will come to worship him. See Isaiah 60:6-7
13. "When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." Matthew 2:3 Herod here is a type of Satan, and this speaks of Satan's kingdom being troubled by these events.
14. "  and all Jerusalem with him." Matthew 2:3, This also speaks of the established religions being troubled as well.
15. The wise men worshipped with exceeding great joy, Matthew 2:10-11. This will also take place in this revival.
16. When they were come, they opened their treasures. Matthew 2:11. This coming influx of Muslims will greatly enrich the Church.
17. "And being warned of God …." Matthew 2:12. This speaks again of the Muslims receiving a genuine fear of the Lord in their conversion. They do not return to serving satan [Herod] but instead begin to follow a new path and to minister the gospel in their own countries.
18. Matthew 2:13-18 tells of Herod's persecution and attempt to kill the new born messiah. This is a direct parallel to the persecution to come upon the end time Church. See Revelation 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
19. Matthew 2:19-20 tell of how Jesus comes back to Israel after Herod is dead.  When Satan and his kingdom are under his feet, Jesus will return to earth with all the saints and holy angels with him.
20. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a type of the Church. In Luke 1:35 we read " The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."  This is a description of what is coming upon the Church.
21. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37 Compare this to Revelation 12:10 " And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,  …." 2 Chronicles 6:41  "Now therefore arise, O LORD God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness." To be Clothed with Salvation and to operate in His strength, that is Revival. Then The church will be able to do all that the Lord asks, with God nothing shall be impossible.
22. Luke 1:25 says "Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked upon me, to take away my reproach among men." This though spoken by Elizabeth and referring to her pregnancy, also applies to the Church. The reproach on the Church is the exposure of her sin and its judgment. The Lord will remove this reproach by redeeming his people and by bringing in a great harvest.
23. Luke 1:38 says "Behold the handmaid of the lord, be it unto me according to thy word …" Mary says this as a type of the Church! When the Church makes this her confession she will be submitting to the Lordship of Jesus. Some commentators have said that when Mary spoke these words is when she became pregnant. Christ was formed in her. When the Church "speaks" these words Christ will be formed in his people.
24. Luke 1:45 says "And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." The words 'there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord' when applied to the Church speak of the fulfillment of the prophetic scriptures. This is the Lord keeping his promises and confirming his covenant. See also Luke 1:72.
25. Luke 1:46-55 is Mary's prophetic prayer, [my soul doth magnify the Lord]. It speaks of God's redemption of his people the Church in the end times and the great rejoicing that will go along with that.
26. Luke 1:65-66 speaks of a Fear that came upon all those that dwelt there and how the news spread. This speaks of a Fear of the Lord that comes with revival and spreads wherever revival goes..
27. In Luke 1:67-79 Zacharias gives a long prophecy, [he hath visited and redeemed his people]. What he says here also applies to us. It is a depiction of the End Time work of the Lord in His Church.
Doubtless there are many other points that could be made and comparisons taken. We could go on at great length but would rather not. So you have a lot of pearls in a small package.
I hope these points have provided some insights into the true meaning of Christmas and how it points to the end times.

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